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Initialises the x-spreadsheet htmlwidget, allows to create one or more sheets and pass options.


spreadsheet(data, options = NULL, elementId = NULL)



The data to render inside the spreadsheet, the following options are valid:

  • NULL, this will result in an empty spreadsheet with a single sheet named "Sheet1"

  • A single data.frame object, this will result in a single sheet spreadsheet where the name of the first sheet is "Sheet1"

  • A named list where each list entry contains a data.frame object, a named sheet is generated in correspondence with the named list


A list containing table options/settings, set at table initialisation. The list should match the JSON structure below, e.g.: list( "mode" = "edit", showToolbar = TRUE, ...), JSON: mode: 'edit', // edit | read showToolbar: true, showGrid: true, showContextmenu: true, view: height: () => document.documentElement.clientHeight, width: () => document.documentElement.clientWidth, , row: len: 100, height: 25, , col: len: 26, width: 100, indexWidth: 60, minWidth: 60, , style: bgcolor: '#ffffff', align: 'left', valign: 'middle', textwrap: false, strike: false, underline: false, color: '#0a0a0a', font: name: 'Helvetica', size: 10, bold: false, italic: false, , ,


htmlwidget elementid