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Convert x-spreadsheet data to a list of data.frames, this function turns the data structure generated by the JS library (and parsed with jsonlite::fromJSON(simpifyVector = FALSE))) into a list of data.frames, one per sheet. It is the inverse of listToSpreadsheet.


spreadsheetListToDf(data, headerRow = TRUE)



The data to convert, a list with the following structure

  • name

  • rows, which contains "cells", which contains entries with "text" other fields are ignored for now (customise this function and jsso it carries the following metadata:

  • field type for conversion

  • column names Y/N ) originating from a JSON object returned by x-spreadsheet, containing one entry per sheet, with the following structure: name: "Sheet1", rows: 0: cells: text: "A1",


Whether the first row contains column names, TO DO: automatically detect this by carrying extra metadata with each sheet